Drag-and-Drop Survey Builder
Our platform offers a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) survey builder that allows you to quickly and easily author your surveys by dragging and dropping elements into place.
Built in 30+ Question Types
Our platform comes equipped with over 30 out-of-the-box question types, including CSAT, NPS, Rating, Ranking, Rich Text, File Upload, Salesforce Dynamic Data, and more, to enable you to create engaging surveys that capture the data you need.
Read-Only & Hidden Questions
Our platform allows you to create read-only and hidden questions to aid in your question branching logic.
Customize Surveys and Forms with Your Branding
Our platform offers point-and-click configuration to customize the look and feel of your surveys with your brand's colors, logos, and images. This will help you maintain brand consistency and create a more visually appealing experience for your survey respondents.
Custom CSS
Take full control of the visual appearance of your surveys by using custom CSS to match your organization's branding.
Survey Pagination Options
You can choose from three different survey pagination options to customize the user experience - single-page surveys, surveys that present one question at a time, or surveys with multiple pages.
Save & Resume Later
Allow respondents to save their progress and resume later with the "Save & Resume Later" feature. This feature enables participants to complete surveys at their own pace, which can lead to higher response rates and more accurate data.
Question & Answer Piping
This feature allows you to dynamically insert, or "pipe", answer text from a previous question into a later question on the survey.
Personalization Surveys with Merge Field
Personalize your surveys by inserting merge fields into your welcome message, survey questions, and thank-you message. Merge fields automatically populate with field values from Salesforce records, participant details, company information, and custom values, allowing you to tailor your surveys to each respondent.
Collect Comments with a Question Response
Optionally allow your respondents to provide detailed comments justifying a question response.
File Uploads
Enable your respondents to upload files and images along with their survey responses. The uploaded files are securely stored in your Salesforce org, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your data.
Captcha Support
You can enable captcha to prevent spam responses from automated programs, ensuring that your survey responses are only from real human participants.
Multilingual Survey Support
Create surveys in multiple languages by adding translations for your survey content. With a single survey, respondents can choose their preferred language from a drop-down menu, allowing for a seamless experience for users regardless of their language preference.
Legacy Survey Data Migration
Our platform offers easy migration of your legacy survey response data to SurveyVista using our APIs and tools. You can seamlessly transfer your existing data to our platform and continue to analyze and report on it without any interruptions.
Easy Survey Migration across Salesforce orgs
Our platform allows you to migrate surveys from one Salesforce org to another with ease, including moving surveys from Sandbox to Production orgs or across different Salesforce orgs.
Remove Powered by Ardira SurveyVista branding
Yes, our platform offers the option to remove the "Powered by Ardira SurveyVista" footer.