Feedback at your fingertips - Net Promoter Score (NPS®) Analysis simplified
In our previous two articles of this series, you got acquainted with the NPS, or Net Promoter Score is, its characteristics, as well as how it is calculated on a 100% native Salesforce platform, with the help of SurveyVista’s specialized dashboard. Indeed, organizing NPS surveys during regular intervals is an important exercise for every brand or organization, in order to understand how their customers respond to their product(s) or service(s), as well as whether they are relevant with contemporary times. In short, the NPS helps you detect the pulse of the consumers and thus lets you decide on your future course of actions, and SurveyVista delivers you the same, with quality results.
Before we proceed with the nitty-gritty of SurveyVista: a 100% native Salesforce platform app, it is important to understand why it is necessary for a company to consider opting for an NPS survey in the first place. Here are some of the benefits of how getting a Net Promoter Score of your brand will help immensely in conducting market research:
- The brief length of an NPS survey captures the initial reaction of consumers, i.e. their first impression or thought on what they think about your product. A NPS survey has a higher chance of getting candid and honest responses from the customers than any other survey mode.
- Organizing NPS surveys on a regular basis helps the company to make a comparative analysis of the NPS trends as far as product marketing is concerned.
- Reports on NPS surveys span over a long period of time, recording the ups and downs in customer loyalty towards a product and, in turn, the company itself.
- NPS surveys not only help you recognize your Promoters, Passives and Detractors, but also allow you to track how many Passives or Detractors you could convert into Promoters by implementing new strategies.
- The biggest advantage of opting for a Net Promoter Score is to understand how your brand is performing when it comes to launching new products or marketing the same in the real world or on social media.
After all, the essential driving force behind an NPS survey is to understand the degree of how much your customer likes your product. If it is a lot, then you are doing great. If not, then probably you reconsider your decisions for the next step.
A survey questionnaire, which is already answered, is a wealth of information pertaining to the respondent (or customer, in this case), for a company. Such a segment of data not only reflects the reactions of a customer but also what they expect from you as an organization. It is the expectation of the consumers that becomes an indispensable yardstick for each company to improve themselves, to increase the bar of excellence with each new release. All this is made achievable with SurveyVista.
As a 100% native Salesforce app, SurveyVista boasts of a powerful digital platform with highly advanced analytics for obtaining and processing NPS measurements. It provides you with accurate and real-time information in the form of graphic representations (value charts, bar graphs, line graphs, doughnut charts, etc.), created as per your requirements. SurveyVista’s responsibility goes beyond just creating online surveys for your business. SurveyVista also helps you make the right choices with the help of our innovative and impactful scoring logic. With more opportunities to customize and configure your Salesforce workflows, you can decide how to run your NPS surveys for your own brand. However, what makes SurveyVista stand apart from the rest is that the survey responses received are automatically mapped to your contacts, accounts, cases, etc.
At the end of the day, the success of a product will depend on its uniqueness, along with how the consumers perceive it. Thus, to win more hearts and gain more traction in sales, the customer’s feedback becomes an important asset for every organization. In the next and final article of this series, we will be highlighting a special feature in NPS surveys that is exclusively available on SurveyVista – the Feedback/Response Analysis functionality.
For more information on NPS, CSAT, CES, or any other survey use cases which you would like to implement for your company or organization, feel free to contact us.
*NPS is a registered trademark, and Net Promoter System are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.