
Data capture made easy

Businesses run on data. They are the lifeblood that fuels understanding, enables effective processes and underpin good relationships.

Think of all the times you and your colleagues have to update Salesforce.  It’s neccessary but time consuming and error prone. Now imagine how much better life would be if customers, partners and colleagues could enter all the data they needed in one easy go.No more navigating from record to record; no more copy and paste.

With SurveyVista it’s easy to build richly branded forms that gather the data you need, when you need it.  Data that instantly creates or updates any Salesforce records in real time; including multiple records in one go.  Data that triggers the next steps in your process, automagically! All this across the channels that your customers, partners and colleagues choose to use.

The uses are endless: anywhere you need to collect data, SurveyVista is ready. Where to start? Here's just a few examples:

marketing marketing

  • Lead capture (any channel)
  • Resource download
  • Event registration
  • Market research
  • Branded landing pages
  • Subscription preferences

marketing marketing

  • Requirements discovery forms/scripts
  • Maturity assessments
  • Win/loss surveys
  • Order forms

marketing marketing

  • Case/ticket capture
  • Complaints
  • Goal-setting & value measurement

We could go on … and on …. and on.  Wherever you need to capture data in Salesforce, SurveyVista is the product of choice.  Our powerful and highly flexible integration makes it easy to store data anywhere, to trigger next best actions and to build a comprehensive, rich single view of your data.