Human Resources

"An organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value."

- Lou Gerstner, Former CEO, IBM

People do it all. It's a cliche but a very true cliche.

Attracting and retaining talent and creating the environment in which they can do their best work is an organization’s most important and most challenging work.  It’s not that Baby Boomers, Millennials or Gen Z have different expectations and needs of work; each person you employ has.  Understanding them is the key to engaged colleagues, which is what unlocks performance and commitment.  Feedback helps managers and leadership teams identify and address the factors driving engagement and act accordingly.

So whether it’s productivity that drives profit, employee engagement enabling improved customer experience or creativity delivering product and service innovations, people do it all.  Understanding and developing them is essential.

SurveyVista surveys, forms and quizzes are used by organizations around the globe to inform their people practices. Uses include:

  • Job application forms
  • Learning needs reviews
  • Competence assessments
  • Learning programme feedback
  • Performance management reviews
  • Exit surveys
  • Employee engagement surveys
  • Culture assessments

Great people leaders know this and understand the role that feedback plays across the employee lifecycle:

  • Expand the talent pipeline and screen candidates effectively
  • Improve productivity and time to performance by identifying what works and doesn't in your onboarding process
  • Reduce the cost of attrition by identifying issues that reduce engagement
  • Strengthen a feeling of involvement by gathering views on key initiatives
  • Increase performance by identifying and addressing development needs
  • Improve the effectiveness of learning and development with feedback surveys

Rich integration with Salesforce brings employee feedback together with operational and revenue performance data to drive deeper insights.  Understand which competencies generate high performance: identify the elements of employee engagement in teams that top performance charts and track which learning programmes have the greatest impact.